
Meet the artist.

Anastasia Kendall Venti is a contemporary artist based on the island of Martha’s Vineyard. Growing up in the seaside town of Essex, MA, she was constantly seeking an outlet for her overflowing creative energy. Foregoing college to travel, she received a true education in the colors and cultures of unfamiliar countries. After eventually finding a home on Martha’s Vineyard six years ago, Anastasia was enamored by the island and the people who appreciated its beauty as much as she did. Overwhelmed by inspiration, she began developing her artistry and is completely self-taught.

Using wide-sweeping strokes, bursting colors, and larger-than-life canvasses, Anastasia successfully conveys the magic that is Martha’s Vineyard.

Employing a mix of acrylic and oil-based metallic paints, she creates vibrant, contemporary pieces of anything that strikes her about her island home, particularly the iconic architecture and electric summertime energy. A painting by Anastasia Venti will be loved by every generation in your family.